The art of life is the art of avoiding pain

-Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wal-Mart is wrong, PERIOD.

Let's say you live in a state where medical marijuana was legal. Ok add the fact that you are terminally ill into that mix. Now let's say you have a job, a decent job, one you work really hard at, it pays your bills and provides you with insurance.

Ok, now you lost it.

Why you ask? Because your employer tested you after you hurt yourself on the job, and that herb that was keeping your horrible and nauseating pain away shows up. Now you never smoked before work, or worked under the influence. You didn't use for fun, or to *get high*. You were in pain, and it helps more effectively and less dangerously than ANY pain reducer on the market, prescription or otherwise.

This is outrageous to say the least. Wal-Mart is wrong, and they need to know it. If you agree, please email them, tell them that they are wrong and tell them that you wont shop there anymore.

Thats what I intend to do. I may not ever shop there again, which is not something I have ever considered before. I was a die-hard Wal-Mart shopper, making it a point to visit any new stores that opened, I like the merchandise, I like the savings. But not anymore. SAY NO TO IGNORANCE.

read the story here and contact wal-mart here

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How I Spent March 9th (so far)

I woke up today wanting desperately to go camping, in a way I have never experienced before. So I jump outta bed, go to hit the net for supplies and all that good stuff. The internet is out :( so I watch TV instead.

When my dad and Jer wake up, we take care of the phone and its all set up again (obviously I am blogging right now lol). They took care of it really fast and while he is on the phone I look at my hair and decide I want to cut off the hack job the lady did on V-Day and maybe dye it a new color. Jer picks black (which I had secretly been wanting) but when I run it by the daddio, he thinks I will look bad, so I nix it. Apparently Jeremy also thought I should stick with red, but thought I didnt want red anymore so said black.

I go to the Supercuts (i had already spent 20 on this hair and it was an epic fail) and the girl is SO good at her job. She cut ALL the split ends (which I almost never have so I was super glad to see them gone) and fixed the bangs :).

I go to Sally's to buy my dye, and another brand has a buy 3 get 6 oz of my favorite conditioner/sealer for free. YAY!

So here I am, covered in dye (I forgot how much harder it is to do it alone) and waiting for it to set:
And my delicious lunch, Kalua Pork from the Hawaiian BBQ at the end of the street (on a side note this is an entry for my 101in1001):
Wet hair, right out of the towel, so this is the color my hair is when it is wet:

And finally! My hair totally dry and put up (i didnt feel up to styling it, and i lost my flat iron):
So there was my day (so far) and now I am off to work on some Geisha ATCs :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

I am no good :(

Ok, so leaving Craftster is kinda getting to me. I miss being able to share opinions and art with people on a daily basis. So I went to look for a new forum, and with my new obsession with ATCs I thought that a forum highlighting that would be ideal. I found and figured I would try it out. First I was pretty sure I would be miserable, so I asked how to delete my profile (I looked everywhere before asking). Everyone was so nice that I decided to give it a real try. A bunch of people recommended adding some cards to the trading gallery, so I set forth to make some. I decided on a Travel themed set. I got halfway through the first one and started feel anxious, like it wouldn't be good enough. By the second card I decided to stop. Art should never make me feel like this, and it never has before (even swapping for as long as I did, I almost never worried about what I made, I knew I did my best).

I don't hate them, but I don't think they would be trade worthy. I do kind of hate that I feel so unsure of myself. I said it when I started out that I made these cards for me, and trading wasn't in my plan. I should have stuck to that plan.