The art of life is the art of avoiding pain

-Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wal-Mart is wrong, PERIOD.

Let's say you live in a state where medical marijuana was legal. Ok add the fact that you are terminally ill into that mix. Now let's say you have a job, a decent job, one you work really hard at, it pays your bills and provides you with insurance.

Ok, now you lost it.

Why you ask? Because your employer tested you after you hurt yourself on the job, and that herb that was keeping your horrible and nauseating pain away shows up. Now you never smoked before work, or worked under the influence. You didn't use for fun, or to *get high*. You were in pain, and it helps more effectively and less dangerously than ANY pain reducer on the market, prescription or otherwise.

This is outrageous to say the least. Wal-Mart is wrong, and they need to know it. If you agree, please email them, tell them that they are wrong and tell them that you wont shop there anymore.

Thats what I intend to do. I may not ever shop there again, which is not something I have ever considered before. I was a die-hard Wal-Mart shopper, making it a point to visit any new stores that opened, I like the merchandise, I like the savings. But not anymore. SAY NO TO IGNORANCE.

read the story here and contact wal-mart here


  1. "I may not ever shop there again..."
    "may not" boy that's really showing them! (Okay, I'm being sarcastic here.) When you boycott you say "they will NEVER EVER get another penny of mine!"

    We vote with our dollars. I'm glad you found something to really piss you off about Walmart. Yeah they have cheap prices. Taking a stand and going somewhere else and paying more is voting with your dollars. They ruin small towns, they run mom and pop businesses out of business - all because of the tempting low prices. If you find yourself wanting something at Walmart - look for it on ebay, thrift stores, other stores or do without. And if you buy something somewhere else its always a blast to mail your receipts to Walmart and say "this could have been yours, but you guys suck." (or replace that last word with "have poor business ethics")
    Thanks for posting.

  2. Well, if i need something at midnight and its an emergency i might have to, but other than that (im talking medical need, like bandages or something).

    I felt dishonest saying it would never happen again, but it wont be a choice and it wont be anything less than an emergency.

  3. I'm truly sorry for your problems arising out of medical marihuana use. But, don't you hate it, there is always a "but", as far as I know it is a well known fact that WalMart prohibits its employees from using drugs. Given this rule WalMart is within its rights to impose sanctions against employees violating the rules whether your state permit medical use of marihuana or not. Here where I'm, Colorado has a law permitting medical use of marihuana yet dealers and growers get arrested and sent to jail by the Feds on regular basis. The legal situation is confusing to say the least. But federal laws always supersede local laws. I do not shop at WalMart exclusively but I will not stop shopping there just because they enforce their rules. Really sorry about your situation.
