This year we got our tax return the same weekend as Valentine's day, so we have been VERY busy indeed.
On Friday I went and picked up the stuff for V-day and finished those projects. We also went and stocked up at Sam's Club. I went to Ulta and bought a bunch of make-up and Maurice's and got new pants and a cute top to wear. I have never been able to just walk into a store and try on a pair of pants and have them fit perfectly!
On Saturday I got a bunch of stuff for my *lab* and some new soaps. I have almost all the supplies I need to maintain my skin (and relax and have fun too of course!). I am waiting for some stuff to arrive in the mail and I need to pick up a couple things tomorrow, and I am good.
Oh yea, and I got a new tattoo! I am, in general, opposed to getting someone's name tattoo'd on your body, but initials are ok, as long as you want that person apart of your history no matter what happens. Naturally that covers Jeremy, so I got his initial on my right wrist, in a heart (the lines are something I always add when I doodle hearts). It is so cool and it looks like I just drew it with some markers, which fits my style perfectly.
I dyed my hair early on Sunday morning, but it still feels like a Saturday decision. The color is my favorite shade of red, and I got it cut on Valentine's Day, but I don't have a picture of it styled yet.
Sunday was Valentine's Day, and anyone who knows me, knows I love to shop. That is what Jeremy gave me for Valentine's. We first went to Ethel M's and he let me get whatever chocolate I wanted! I love Ethel M's. It reminds me of my childhood and it is by far and away my favorite chocolate in the whole world. Then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up stuff for the house. I love having what we need and being able to make the house look nice.
A couple more highlights from this weekend:
I found this guy at Wal-Mart on Sunday, 11 bucks, which is a HUGE savings off the 40 it is everywhere else.
I got my both of these plus a stack of paper and a roll of glue-dots for 36 dollars, another big win in the savings dept.
We decorated and re-organized the fish tank. Bought 11 new fish and some live plants that will grow in about 3 weeks. You can barely tell, but Minnie is about 5 inches without her fins.
I cleaned my bathroom and am finally using my side of the sink. I have alof of stuff now. The soap you see is CP from the Whole Foods near us.I spent almost 23 dollars on soap! But it was so worth it, almost a lb all together.
I have been cleaning all weekend, and actually this blog was just a break for me. I am going to organize more and I will likely blog about that too ;). Thanks for reading.